Artysim's Articles In Blogging
December 12, 2007 by Artysim
Tonight I was watching an episode of one of my favourite shows and part way through I became incredibly happy. I couldn't quite put my finger on it as to why, and then it suddenly dawned on me. I was feeling good because the scene on the TV was of a bright sunny day in Florida. It was the fact that I was watching this sunny day on TV and it suddenly brought back memories of being in the sun on a warm day, that was making me elated! It struc...
May 9, 2008 by Artysim
This last week, one of my good friends and co-workers had a brush with his own mortality and thankfully it looks like he's gonna be okay. From here on out though, his life is going to be drastically different. For the sake of this article, we'll say this fellow's name is Jack. First though, a disclaimer- I love junk food. I love wolfing down a greaseball double-bacon cheeseburger and fries then topping it off with some ice-cream or deep-fried cheesecake. On certain occasions when ...
September 29, 2008 by Artysim
  I've decided that for the most part I'm going to stop commenting on and posting about the ongoing financial shenanigans. My reason? It's become so ridiculous that satire is no longer necessary. It has become pure satire by it's very nature. Quite possibly, decades or generations from now this whole episode will go down in the history books as one of the biggest gag-reels of all time (next to of course, the creation of man and all the havoc we've visited on this once slee...
September 27, 2008 by Artysim
The other night I was watching The Office, one of my favorite shows. In this particular episode, the HR rep Toby was quitting after several years. The boss, Michael Scott could hardly contain his glee that Toby was going as he has always hated him for no particular reason, in several episodes calling him "satan" and "judas" whenever he would make any comment. Anywho, Michael confides to the camera that he's been relishing the exit interview for years now and is well prepared to dish...
May 16, 2008 by Artysim
Several years ago when I was in school I worked a part time job in security at a big high-rise building. It was during my time spent working there and in the general downtown area of a big city, that I observed the effects that wealth and power have on most people. Now as a disclaimer, wealth doesn't automatically turn people into jerks. I met lots of very well off folks who were the nicest people you'd ever meet. But by and large, there was a culture of superiori...
May 12, 2008 by Artysim
Yesterday I had a big serving of humble pie and revealed to much of the local running community just how much of a jerk I really am. Some of the businesses in town ran a mother's day cure for cancer race (entry fee plus money raised all goes to cancer research) so I figured I'd do it because I love to run, good cause and all that. I'm really not a competitive person.... I run just because I truly love it and 99% of the time I'm the nicest guy you'll meet o...
August 1, 2009 by Artysim
Who's your favorite evil corporation? You know, that company that is so slimy, so insipid, you actually love to hate them? We've all got at least one. Sit back and think about it for a minute. Is it a utility provider? How about an insurance company? (those are real easy to hate) the possibilities are varied and endless. What kills me is there's a lot of truly nasty companies out there that are also very profitable, have great P.R and 90% of folks either ...
July 23, 2009 by Artysim
According to Microsoft, Windows 7 is complete, and P.C users will have a smooth transition to the new O.S..... .................. BWA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
April 10, 2009 by Artysim
I just returned from a trip to Cuba not too long ago. It's a beautiful country with all of the sorrows and triumphs of a small island nation. Is it a utopian paradise? Not by a long shot. But it ain't half bad either. If anything, it was far more relaxed than I thought it would be. I saw plenty of the country and got out and about with no difficulties or restrictions. I had a bit of trouble seeing the "evil communist" regime that we've been indoctrinated t...
December 23, 2008 by Artysim
  “I am more concerned with the return of my money than the return on my money.” – Mark Twain Our current brand of capitalism is kaput. I am not saying that the concept as a whole is flawed, but rather the particular flavor we are using today. On what do I base this assertion? Nevermind that Enron was an omen of things to come that we casually dismissed as "a few bad apples" and allowed to replicate on a massive scale in the name of free markets. ...
December 19, 2008 by Artysim
The following was written by Samuel Clemens at the turn of the 20th century. L W's article about Christianity and it's current fear/love dynamic got me thinking on this tangent... considering it's getting awfully close to Christmas and all.... you know.... The War Prayer It was a time of great and exalting excitement. The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bun...
October 8, 2008 by Artysim
I'd like to share with you all an event that transpired this past weekend. Normally, I don't like to blog about my personal life, because well, it's my personal life. But this particular story is a microcosm of what's going on in the bigger picture, and why our society is so utterly screwed up. On saturday, my girlfriend and I went to a local car dealership. She's looking to buy a new car, as she has an old beater she picked up a while back and it's time to part ways. In this parti...