Published on September 27, 2008 By Artysim In Blogging

The other night I was watching The Office, one of my favorite shows. In this particular episode, the HR rep Toby was quitting after several years. The boss, Michael Scott could hardly contain his glee that Toby was going as he has always hated him for no particular reason, in several episodes calling him "satan" and "judas" whenever he would make any comment.

Anywho, Michael confides to the camera that he's been relishing the exit interview for years now and is well prepared to dish out the mockery and insults. In the interview he presents Toby with a wrapped gift that turns out to be a rock with a sticky note on it that reads "suck on this!" and his "interview" questions consist of:

Who do you think you are?


What gives you the right?

Alas, if life were only like the office it would be a very different world indeed. So, in the spirit of unconventional questions, let me pose this question to you good readers;

who do YOU think you are, and what gives YOU the right?

answer and discuss!

That is all.


on Sep 27, 2008


Who do you think you are?

I am me.

What gives you the right?

I give myself the right.



on Sep 27, 2008

We are endowed with certain inalienable rights.  No one, or thing "gives us" the right.  They are ours.

on Sep 27, 2008

Who do you think you are?


What gives you the right?

I guess it's a matter of context -who's doing the asking and why. So the answer (or rather my answer) would vary depending on who's doing the asking. But since this is your blog and you're the one doing the asking, well... I'm RoyLevosh! And the owners of this site give me "the right" based on the fact it's their right (or free ice cream or whatever) to give me.

For now anyway...

on Sep 28, 2008

(or free ice cream or whatever)

Another great idea. Free ice cream for everyone!


on Sep 28, 2008

Another great idea. Free ice cream for everyone!

Oops! Showing my "JU age" with that comment! The "free ice cream" thing goes way back to another era of JU...