Obama Drastically Scales Back Goals For America After Visitting Deny's: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/obama_drastically_scales_back?utm_source=a-section A little tuesday morning pick-me up.
I'm confused by all the ruckus going on in the States (or various states I should say) about allowing gay marriage. I live in the Northwest Territories of Canada and here gay marriage has been allowed for years. In fact, some of my friends and co-workers are married homosexuals. Has it had any measurable effect on our society? Has it caused our "morals" to erode and all the local children to turn into hell-spawn? Nope. In fact, I can't notice a damn thing different about our society...
One of my favorite authors (Joe Bageant) has posted a wonderful piece about Redneck America's view of the top. A redneck view of the Obamarama This column originally appeared on the web site of the Australian Broadcasting Company. By Joe Bageant When it comes to expressing plain truths, few are as gifted as American rednecks. During recent travels in the Appalachian communities of West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky I've collected scores of their comments on our na...
“Sir, I am deeply concerned about Iraq. The task you have given me is becoming really impossible ... if they (Sunni and Shiite) are not prepared to urge us to stay and to co-operate in every manner I would actually clear out. ... At present we are paying eight millions a year for the privilege of living on an ungrateful volcano out of which we are in no circumstances to get anything worth having.” Winston Churchill to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Sept. 1, 1922 What do...
Hello Fellow Joeusers. I'm going to be offline for awhile, so I thought I'd leave you with a rather interesting article from one of my favorite sites which I highly encourage you all to go and check out; http://www.truthdig.com/ I see that Obama's been in office for what, 3 months? And, apparently everything is his fault. As I've said earlier, many times, I was pro-Bush for the first year of his presidency until I realized what a tool he really was. So, I'll leave you with this little di...
The following words are from a Republican Congressman in Texas- Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of “keeping us safe” or “promoting democracy” or “protecting their strategic interests.” Imagine that the...
Run for the hills, the world is coming to an end!!!! The sky is falling and Obama's to blame for everything!!! ZOMG look at the stock markets, clearly 2 days in office and Obama's the sole reason why everything's tanking!! ahem. Let's take a moment to calm down (just a bit) and look at the "radical" leftist policies Obama has enacted in his first couple of days- 1) Treatment of prisoners- Obama has made it clear that prisoners are to be treated in accordance with the regulations set out...
I would like to take a moment to congratulate Al Franken for getting elected to the senate, and beating his republican incumbent opponent Norm Coleman. Considering that Franken started his campaign WAAAAY behind the incumbent and was pretty much written off as a goofball no-chance candidate I think he's done pretty durn' gud if ya ask me. But anywho. Let's take a step back and take a look at the fellow. Noted books he wrote: "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and other Observation...
Obama winning the presidential election is the greatest thing going for the Republican party right now. In fact, the absolute BEST outcome possible for the Republicans is if they are not in power, or hold any majorities in any branch of government over the next 4 years. If anything, everyone who is wailing and moaning that Obama is going to destroy the country should be thanking him for taking power in the near future! Why? Please allow me to explain; If...
So far this year more than 110,000 workers on Wall Street have lost their jobs. Most estimates agree that by the time the bloodletting is done we could end up with almost 200,000 financial sector workers joining the ranks of the unemployed. But that isn't all. Manufacturing is still shedding jobs, especially anything to do with autos or auto parts. Construction workers -and- the many industries that support them are also looking grim. And let's not forget the front end of a...
We keep hearing about the bailout plan and how we need to "re-capitalize" big banks to make everything better. I can't help but stand back, and look at the fact that the reality on the ground is being ignored; 1 in 6 homes are currently underwater. This means that the amount owed on the mortgage is greater than what the home could be sold for. Average consumer is tapped out, between car loans, home loans, student loans and credit cards the average joe has been living beyond his means for y...
Yesterday was the Canadian Federal Election. I cast a ballot and the fellow that I voted for got into office by only a 500 vote lead, so I'm glad I contributed my little slice to the democratic process. This was the third time I've voted federally. The first time was when I was 18, and I voted conservative. The next two times, my opinions had changed and so did my vote (one thing I can indeed thank George W. for, who I was a big fan ...
What's all this ruckus about voter registration and election fraud? I'm asking because in Canada, our elections are run a little differently from you fine folks in the U.S and quite frankly we don't go through the kind of ridiculousness I'm seeing in the news. In fact, we're having our own federal election on tuesday, the day after our thanksgiving and I can pretty much guarantee it's going to be a far milder event than the pomp and pageantry tha...
A letter from Michael Moore, on his website here- http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?id=237 Because, well, I think it's interesting, and I know he gets people's blood boiling on this site!! neener neener, Artysim Friends, The richest 400 Americans -- that's right, just four hundred people -- own MORE than the bottom 150 million Americans combined. 400 rich Americans have got more stashed away than half the entire country! Their combined net...
Wanna make a quick 19 million bucks? All it'll take is 3 weeks. Cause that's what hapenned to the last CEO of Washington Mutual (WaMu) He worked there for three weeks, during which time the bank nosedived and is now being snapped up by JP Morgan at firesale prices. Okay, well, he's still technically working there. He has to stay on the job for a little while longer while JP Morgan consolidates it's takeover of assets, but comeon! Let's look at this this way: Th...