Alright everyone, let's all gather round and chant the mantra of the new economic order:
"Privatize the profits, Socialize the losses!"
Huh?!? Wha?!?
What kind of nonsense is this and just how in the hell does it affect the latest episode of Big Brother and the farce that is the presidential election?
Our economy has altered RADICALLY. In these past few weeks your government has committed more nationalization than Chavez could ever dream of. Congratulations, you now live in a new order in which socialism is alive and well, at least for the rich and well connected (by rich I mean RICH, as in CEO's that get 35 million dollar termination packages for killing a company, not the well to do ma and pa entrepreneurs who have a mil or two in the bank after a lifetime of work)
The long term effects and rammifications of this can't be understated. We seem to be content to piss around about whether a democrat or republican is to blame (newsflash people: both sides are little more than a deer caught in the headlights right now!!) or who said what about Britney Spears and Sarah Palin...hhmm, a duo you say?? what an idea!
Don't take my word for it. I've blabbed about this long enough and to tell the truth I really don't know what I'm talking about. I'm an idiot know it all loud mouth who likes to come on these forums and spew verbal diarrhea for my own perverse entertainment.
So, rather than listen to my drivel go to this site to see what some of the experts have to say-
root site here
Registrations' free and there's a wealth of information as to the slow motion train-wreck that's happening right now.
Arm yourself, knowledge is power!!