Published on November 10, 2008 By Artysim In Current Events

Let's take a quick look at the day in recap;

Circuit City filed for bankruptcy, with guaranteed massive job losses on the way.... HAW HAW!!!!

DHL is cutting 9,500 jobs in the U.S.... HAW HAW!!!!!

GM is burning through cash and anounced today 5000 more cuts.... HAW HAW!!!!

Nortel..... HAW HAW!!!! Sorry, had to get that out of the way first... Nortel is cutting 1200 more jobs

Motorola recently anounced 3,000 job cuts... HAW HAW!!!!

Fannie May posted a 29 BILLION loss in the third quarter..... HAW HAW!!!!

Cisco Systems, a titan of the networking industry, anounced reduced profits and said they are evaluating options to reduce costs by over one billion dollars next year. That pretty much guarantees lay-offs of some kind, and when Cisco starts laying off folks you know it can't be good!!!

In October alone over 240,000 jobs were erased from the U.S economy, with over 1.2 million jobs erased for 2008 (and it's not over yet folks!!!).... HAW HAW!!!!

But what's the funniest piece of news so far?

Today, the bailout for AIG was INCREASED. You, the taxpayer, who's been experiencing massive job cuts and foreclosures across the board, are going to pay for 40 billion dollars MORE- to go to AIG so that they can stay afloat......

HAW HAW!!!!!

So, what's the lesson to take away from all this?

You, the average joe, are a chump.

That's right, you heard me. You're expendable, and since we live in the world of the "screw you I got mine" mentality, those who count, those who matter, are going to get bailed out while you lose your job, have your retirement money vaporize and watch what investments you may have disapear.

Go to your investment banker and scream at them in anger because you gave them 10 thousand dollars of your hard earned money to invest and they lost it.... you should get the picture after they recover from the screams of laughter sure to follow.

The lesson is pretty clear.

Average people losing their jobs and their homes in large numbers is a perfectly acceptable outcome. But for big banks whose incompetence and criminal negligence led to this problem, failure is unacceptable. They must be helped by the taxpayer. Because they matter, and you don't, right?

So, not only must you surrender your retirement fund. Not only must you lose your job so the company can "restructure to whether the storm" Not only must you lose your home and be foreclosed upon, no, that isn't enough.

You also must pay out of your pocket to help private companies who created this mess, companies led by individuals who won't have to worry about paying healtcare costs for their family or keep a roof over their heads.

Big business sobs about how they're so hard done by and need BILLIONS of dollars as they can't afford to pay for their operations.

Meanwhile, the middle class can't afford to pay for lunch.

One group is getting billions upon billions of dollars.

The other group is getting a pink slip.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 11, 2008

So do you propose the companies get the pink slip? You must work in never never land. Tell me what company in either the free or your socialist dream world has ever said, "We are losing money, let's keep everyone working though while we drive it into the ground. We can all be unemployed together". Maybe you should advise companies not to hire in the good times. Why give someone a job when you might have to lay him off in the future, right? Gotta luv liberal thinking.

Your references seem directed at the US, well heres one for Canada. When companies start laying off there (and they will), who's going to pay (even more) for the free health care? Sounds like those that have jobs better not get sick.

on Nov 11, 2008

Your references seem directed at the US, well heres one for Canada.

Nortel is Canadian.

But he is right!  Perception is often stronger than reality, and the perception on Wall Street is that Obama is not going to do things that work, but things he thinks are "fair".  And that has companies running for cover.  Circuit City surprised many by going Chapter 11.  But not the smart ones.  They are just preparing for what they see as the coming major slump - brought on by the new regimes bad policies.

Americans are chumps.  They heard a slogan and voted for it.  Now we have to live with the consequences.  It is time to pull in your horns and weather the storm.  WHich is only going to make it worse.  But when you have a president that thinks the pie is finite and must be divied up, he will make it so.  Stagflation here we come.

I do find your glee to be somewhat disconcerting.  But then I guess you have a reason for it, since your litany is a repudiation of your beliefs as well.

on Nov 11, 2008

I could extend this to:

Congress though that they could make banks fund everybody's dreams by passing a law and it backfired and wrecked the credit market HAW HAW...

And the banks came to Washington and said "You got us into this, you get us out." and the Congress said "Sure, what's another Trillion, we'll just pass it on to the taxpayers." HAW HAW...

And when it collapsed the Democrats in congress pointed the finger at Bush and everyone believed them HAW HAW...

And McCain said "I'll go and fix it." and added 150B in pork and said "See, I helped".  HAW HAW...

But I'm so tired of all this.  You all got Obama, Obama is here to save you, so leave me in peace.

on Nov 11, 2008

so leave me in peace.

And the democrats said HAWHAW

on Nov 11, 2008

Americans are chumps. They heard a slogan and voted for it.

Being an American I guess I should be offended.  But all one has to do is see what we pay attention to most and you are right.  Who was voted off American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Family Guy, etc......  We are very intelligent.

on Nov 11, 2008

mixed in with all the HAW HAWS try to remember if we get annoyed enough we can still flatten the planet HAW HAW HAW!!!

on Nov 11, 2008

It also reminds me of a commercial, an old commercial.... for Levi Jeans!

Good Morning World..... Leeeeviiis   HAW HAW   Leeevviiis  HAW HAW

on Nov 11, 2008

Ok, ok, I could not help myself...

I am looking for Obama in this one

on Nov 12, 2008

Good morning fellow Joeusers-

The point I was aiming for with this article was to illustrate the double standard we see developing culturally and politically.

The government is supposed to equalize things as the public defender, not the advocate of a few large companies.

When government stops being the advocate for everyone and gets in bed with big business, this is what you get-

1) Government wins

2) Big business wins

3) You get screwed. Not only do you get screwed, but you'll probably lose your job and healthcare, and then to add insult to injury you're told that it's all your fault anyway as you've now joined the ranks of the "dead-beat stupid poor people" for whom the ills of everything seem to get blamed on. To top it off, losing your economic or financial freedom generally means you've lost your freedom overall. It means that you'll take the first job that comes along and gladly lick the boots of any employer on any terms to make a buck. Just ask the 1.2 million americans who were laid off last year and will have to find a way to make ends meet in a depressed economy!

The reason you get screwed is that the government is no longer going to bat for the public (which it is supposed to do) and is now going to bat for a very small number of very wealthy individuals wanting access to public funds.

If a private company falls on hard times, why does the public have to bail them out?

It's not like it's keeping people employed. These public bailouts have no caveats about retaining staff for employment, SO, these companies get a big chunk of money from the taxpayer then go ahead and fire a bajillion people anyway. Why do we allow this?

When a company is making big bucks, they scream whenever they are taxed that socialism is killing them. All profits must be kept private! it's best for the economy they yell.

Then, when they run into trouble, suddenly their tune changes and suddenly want unfettered access to the same public purse that they have tried very hard to not pay into. And, they should be paying into it, because the society that they exist in (the public, whatever you want to call it) has provided that company with infrastructure, roads, electrical grids, communication networks, police and fire departments and most importantly educated people to work for them.

It's not like the company grew people in the ground and then harvested them to work for it did they?

No, society raised and grew these folks and educated them too, ready to go into the workforce.

So as with all things in life there is a bit of give-and-take, and when it gets out of balance we see what is happening today.

The double standard presently occuring states that if a major corporation (who is a legal person) runs into hard times, the public, that is you and I, must pay out of our pockets so that the shareholders of that company retain it's wealth. This has nothing to do with keeping jobs, as by the time a public bailout comes that company is going to already have or very soon be making massive cuts to it's staff.

Yet, what about the 1.2 million people who have lost their jobs this year? That is 1.2 million who

1) Have no healthcare, therefore joing the 40 million some americans who have no healthcare already (although this 1.2 million is different because the existing 40 milion uninsured were all ilegal immigrants, right???)

2) Have bills to pay, credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, student loans in the tens of thousands of dollars. The student loans part can't be ignored as many companies making cuts will fire the newest employees (depending on company philosophy)

3) Will have a tough time finding a new job as the economy is shrinking big time. In fact, most of them may find work, but it won't be high paying, probably more like a minimum wage job (which we are told is too much money for these worthless poor people as a minimum wage shouldn't exist in the first place) which will be little better than living on welfare in the first place.

Again, sadly, anything I say is spun into some nonsense about democrats vs. republicans, which isn't what I'm getting at.

What I'm getting at is that the government is supposed to exist as the public defender, a role which should generally oppose and reign in business.

This opposition isn't antagonism, it is an equalizer to ensure that a small group of people with a lot of power (say, the board of directors of AIG) is not able to abuse that power over a large group of people (The citizens of the United States, and all the employees and customers of AIG)

mixed in with all the HAW HAWS try to remember if we get annoyed enough we can still flatten the planet HAW HAW HAW!!!

Moderateman.... glad to see you've still got your sense of humor!!!

on Nov 12, 2008

Just something to think about.  If the U.S. auto manufactures go out of business what is going to happen to all the after market, and third party manufactures?  What going to done with these businesses and the folks that work for them,

Hoooo!, I can pretty much asure you that it won't be pretty.

So before you asume that we shouldn't support this bail out, please consider what is going to happen if we don't.  Thank of all the jobs that will be lost.

Now please don't get me wrong, I can assure that I am not in favor of a bail out, however, at this point if we don't the econmy is going to get much worse.


on Nov 12, 2008

So before you asume that we shouldn't support this bail out, please consider what is going to happen if we don't.

What happened to all the buggy whip makers when the horse and buggy business tanked?

on Nov 13, 2008

Dr Guy,

That was a long time ago, and even then we are not talking about several thousand to even tens of thousand indiviuals who will be out of work.

Not saying they won't find work, but how soon will it be, and what will it be like on the econmy where they are living.

I am attempting to look at the long range effects of what is happening, and what the end results will be on the average joe who just lost his job.

Personnelly I have at the moment no worries about myself - retired mil. and Social Security make for a nice retirement.  But there are those who still have to work to make ends meet.  And, if the recession keeps going the way it is; it could become the "D" word.

So even though I am not for the bail outs, I still see the need to do something to help these the are not as fortunate as myself.


on Nov 13, 2008

That was a long time ago, and even then we are not talking about several thousand to even tens of thousand indiviuals who will be out of work.

As a percentage, yes we are.  As you note it was a long time ago, and the population was a lot smaller.  Companies serve a purpose - to create things for consumers (goods and/or services) that the consumers WANT to purchase.  Once they have outlived their usefulness, the answer is not to prop them up, but to let them die. We dont need a bunch of buggy whip makers.

And we dont need Studebaker, Packard, Nash, and Rambler either apparently.  And those were more recent.  Not allowing the incompetant to fail only assures the incompetant will remain that way.

on Nov 13, 2008

This just in- candle makers around the country are lobbying congress for an industry bailout, stating that the illumination of the sun for several hours everyday is drastically hurting sales.

If congress doesn't bail out the candle makers, we are told, there will be massive unemployment and the whole nation will suffer imeasurably.

This is nothing new and will only grow...

Yesterday American Express asked for a 3.5 billion dollar bailout....

As if the credit card companies haven't gouged folks enough, now they're wanting to charge the government as well, I wonder what kind of interest rate they'll give, LOL!!!

on Nov 13, 2008

We can simply look back to the collapse of the USSR. That government kept people employed, making many products that were obsolete or even unnecessary to the economy and we all saw what happened there. Sure their were other factors in play as well (global prices, cold war expenditures), but it clearly shows what can happen if jobs are created and maintained just for the sake of the job, without regard for the demand of the product. In a poker game you can keep giving up your chips to keep others playing, but then nobody, even one with the best hand, wins.

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