Published on November 13, 2007 By Artysim In Politics

What is a liberal? Well, the answer depends on who you ask. Rather than me sit here and drone on about ideology, I'd like to share with you good folks one of my favorite liberal authors; a fellow by the name of Joe Bageant, who is from Winchester Virginia. He's also a redneck, which doesn't usually fit into the typical stereotypes associated with such a political persuasion. If you believe that all liberals are flawed in their beliefs, check out his site, and if you're really interested to find out what makes some of us tick, read his book. Even if you just want to get a laugh at how misguided you may believe us to be, check it out! I share this because the articles he's written and his recently published book have profoundly impacted the way that I view the world. In his book "Deer Hunting with Jesus" he largely chronicles his impression of the growing class struggle across the United States, and the frantic attempt to call it anything but that. If any of the fine conservative folks here would like to direct me to their favorite authors espousing their beliefs, I will definitely give it a go. As Aristotle said, "it is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it"

His website is:

I don't mean to come off as a walking billboard, but unfortunately this article is my version of a cop-out. I'm on the road for work right now and so don't have much time to sit down and write the articles that I want to, hopefully in the next few weeks things will quiet down and I can get back to harrassing my conservative friends!





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